Sugar Swings! Serve Some: Heart Shaped Baseballs & Pretzel Bats

Monday, March 31, 2014

Heart Shaped Baseballs & Pretzel Bats

Yay, it's that time again.  Baseball Season! Woooooo!

After the the non-stop snowy winter we just had, I'm so looking forward to some spring-time baseball.  MLB of course, but this year 2 of my kiddos are also starting little league and T-ball for their first seasons, which means we will probably be out at the ball fields a lot this spring.  

And this past February, one of the kidlets got this valentine:

So stinkin' cute, right? I tucked it away knowing I had to try to re-create it in edible form.  

Start with some heart shaped chocolate candies.  I used York Peppermint Patties, but you can use other heart shaped chocolates if you don't like peppermint.  I stocked up on some after Valentine's Day!

Dip them in white chocolate or vanilla candy melting wafers.  Once the candy hardens, add the detail on with more red candy wafers.  I add some to a zip lock bag and microwave briefly for a few seconds at a time until you can snip an end of the baggie and "pipe" on the detail.  

The bats are pretzel rods, broken in half and a little chocolate added on the end and more detail done with an edible food writer.  And yeah, I know they look more like little plungers versus bats, but just humor me for the rest of the post.  Tanks!

Oh and if you're a New York Yankees fan you know this is Derek Jeter's last season.  I know there are as many Yankee haters out there as fans, but come on The Captain is retiring this year after spending his entire professional career as a Yankee.  So. Impressive.  He's been a phenomenal player over the years and a great sports role model too.  Rare in the era of sports scandals year after year.  So I made some Yankee hearts in celebration! Here's hoping he was has an awesome last season.  Let's Go Yankees! Clap clap - clap clap clap.

Ok, I'll stop the gushing over Jeter now.  

Even if you're not a baseball fan, I think these little baseball hearts are still fun.  A perfect way to show the love for baseball season.  I'm also keeping them in mind for next year's Valentine's Day! 

PS You might like these other candies made out of peppermint patties

Tidy Mom's I'm Loving It

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